Now in its eighth edition, Winter Lights is an annual festival organised by the Canary Wharf Group to showcase the art of light. The event is free to attend and features thirteen pieces this year, created by artists from across Europe.
A one-mile guided walking trail takes you past all of the installations, starting at Westferry Circus and meandering east to Union Square. The display runs daily for eleven consecutive evenings, from Wednesday 17 to Saturday 27 January 2024, between 17:00 and 22:00.
This was my first visit to the event and here are my impressions of this year’s pieces, in the order they are featured.

The one-way trail encompasses the following numbered pieces:
- On the Wave of Light by Those Guys Lighting (Latvia)
- Neuron by Juan Fuentes (Spain)
- Sign by Vendel & De Wolf (Netherlands)
- LES OISEAUX by Simon Chevalier (France)
- Marbles by Gertjan Adema (Netherlands)
- The Peace Poem by Emergency Exit Arts and Robert Montgomery (UK)
- Vessels by Limbic Cinema (UK)
- Biophilia by Frankie Boyle (UK)
- In-Between by Daniel Popescu (Romania)
- Submergence by Squidsoup (UK)
- Kinetic Perspectives by Juan Fuentes (Spain)
- Geist by This is Loop (UK)
- Idle Time by Marcus Lyall (UK)
My favourites this year were Submergence (10), Sign (3) and Marbles (5), although the latter did not photograph well.